Jobs Project Manager

$94,800 + Bonus KPI $1 million per year

US Careers

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We are seeking a highly skilled Project Manager to oversee a wide range of tasks, including managing weekly email newsletters, ChatGPT, website management, and cross-channel analytics. 

The ideal candidate must be fluent in English, Spanish, and Chinese (preferred), and possess experience in Product/Project Management, basic knowledge of ChatGPT and other neural networks, experience hosting live streams on TikTok, and proficiency in working with funnels, conversions, and CRM systems. 

In addition, the candidate must be capable of working under pressure, possess excellent time management and a strong sense of responsibility, and have a proven ability to work well within a team while showing a willingness to grow and develop.

Additional qualifications that will be considered an advantage include experience with ChatGPT, marketing services, Mailchimp, Google Search Console, and, as well as a curious mindset and a desire to deepen knowledge in Digital Marketing.

Key responsibilities will include direct interaction with the CEO, working on the promotion of current services and projects in general, and collaboration with designers and programmers.

We offer a competitive starting salary of $2000-$3000 per month (depending on experience), with a deadline and KPIs, as well as opportunities for career growth. 

We provide both contract-based work and official employment with a full benefits package (depending on the region). 

You will have the opportunity to work on interesting and creative projects for foreign markets and hone your English, SEO, and marketing skills. 

Our flexible working hours allow for full-time remote or office-based work (depending on the region). 

We also provide monthly team-building activities, rational and open-minded leadership, a young team and a pleasant atmosphere, opportunities for career growth, and the possibility of learning about AI, neural networks, AdWords, Analytics, SEO & Link Building, and mastering a promising profession in the Digital field thanks to the company founder's proprietary course.

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